Refund Policy

Refund and Return Policy

  1. Owing to  nature of our products, goods are not  eligible for return /refund in case the carton box is found open at the time of installation of the goods by  KAFF’s authorized representative. KAFF’s authorized representative will only  open the carton box in front  of the customer.
  2. We would request our  esteemed customer to be vigilant at the time of taking the delivery  the goods from the Delivery  person. In case the carton box is found open  and /or KAFF taping  is not  affixed on all  sides of the carton , please do  not accept  delivery  and return the goods  immediately to the same delivery person. 
  3. Product Inspection need to be done within  10 days of delivery. Post 10 days we are neither responsible nor  accept any damage claim for replacement /refund.
  4. Due to the nature of  our products and high transport cost  involved , refund will be decided on a case to case basis. First  priority of KAFF is, that  customer should feel delighted  after  the receiving the goods and its usage,  to replace goods in case  found  broken / damage/defective
  5. Any voluntary return of goods , once  accepted by  KAFF, the  shipping cost  needs to be borne by the customer
  6. “ In case of cancellation by  customer upon delivery or any other reason not pertaining from the KAFF’s side , refund to be made to the customer will be after  deducting the “to and fro freight “ and amount charged by payment aggregator and replacement  to be made after  collecting “to and fro freight charges”

  7. For Refunds, Kaff does not charge any processing fee. However, the transaction fee and GST levied by Razorpay at the time of payment capture will not be reversed to your account.